The Captured Heart
The Bible uses the word heart as the most comprehensive term with which to refer to the whole person. It includes our affections, our emotions, at times our mind, and much more. The heart is the master control centre of life. It is the fount out of which everything else comes and is why the Bible often describes the heart as the source of all our troubles. In essence, whatever we open up our hearts to has the power to bless or curse us. The Captured Heart examines the factors that compete for the attentions of your heart: money, sex, pride, idolatry, forgiveness, righteousness, thankfulness, discouragement, betrayal and much more. The book is divided into two parts: the first seeks to answer the question, Why is guarding your heart so important? The second deals with the all-important issue of how to guard your heart. This is a helpful and practical guide that will help you measure who or what has captured your heart and above all encourages the reader to pursue a heart after God.