Wild Olive Branch
Jacob I Have Loved
When God deals with us it is often in deeply mystifying ways. There is no greater example of how God shapes a person than through the remarkable story of Jacob. "Jacob I Have Loved" is far more than a mere biblical overview of the story of Jacob. It is an outstanding illustration of God's desire to utterly transform our fallen inner nature. Despite a twisted, deceiving, sinful heart Jacob nonetheless inherited God's richest blessings and became one of the patriarch's of our faith. Herein lays one of the bible's great mysteries. The amazing truth is that Jacob's name has not been lost in the debris of human history, nor has it been forgotten, as have so many other names. Incredibly, it is forever linked with God. His story is an integral part of the history of divine redemption. This book is about the power of God to transform a human life. Jacob's story is our story.